What happens when muh hypergamy gets out of control? It's time to find out! This is part exploration of sexual market dynamics and part elaborate shitpost.

In the simulation there are 256 individuals that each have a gender and an objective attractiveness rating between 0 and 100. Individuals seek sex partners who have a similar attractiveness to them.  An individual does not know their objective attractiveness and so must guess their own attractiveness based on who will and will not have sex with them. At the start of the simulation all individuals perceive themselves to be 10 points more attractive than they actually are. There are several other behaviors that you will discover as the simulation progresses.

The only differences between men and women in this simulation is that women are on-average more picky than men in terms of attractiveness and men are on-average more likely to pursue than be pursued.

You can view an individual's stats and history by clicking on them. In the history section you can click on other individuals' names to inspect them. To leave the inspection UI press Q. You can speed up and slow down the simulation using +/- or "[" and "]"

If you get lost, press R to go to the center of the individuals.

The Windows version looks quite a bit better than the WebGL version. I strongly recommend downloading the Windows version instead of playing the game in the browser.


SMV_The_Game.zip 15 MB


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